41WATCH has surrounded itself with the safest and fastest providers to transport the most precious goods. Delivery is insured and secure.
All our watches are guaranteed to be 100% genuine.
All our watches have been inspected and appropriately serviced by our in-house watchmakers and are guaranteed for one year.
41Watch has established privileged partnerships with financial providers to offer you taylor made financing solutions.
L'histoire des Rolex dites "Double Red" (double rouge en français) est intimement liée à l'histoire de la Submariner. Montre de plongée par excellence, avec sa célèbre valve à hélium, la première version de la Sea-Dweller s'intitule "Sea-Dweller - Submariner 2000". Elle est caractérisée par un détail de son cadran, l'inscription "Sea-Dweller" au dessus de l'inscription "Submariner 2000", tous deux écrits en rouge, d'où le surnom de "double red" !